Ancient Races Storyline: Who Are The Ellezians
This blog entry will focus on the third, and final, race associated with the Ancient Races Storyline of the Sy’Arrian Legacy Series.
Initially, I created the concept for the Ellezians from the 1985 film, Cocoon. In the movie, a group of peaceful aliens, the Antareans arrive on Earth to retrieve a former group of Antareans left behind in large rock-like cocoons. They appear human but it is merely a shell where, underneath it, they are pure energy. I have provided a link to more information about the movie in case some of you reading this post are too young to remember such a wonderful film.
Indigenous to the planet of Molsa, Ellezians are comprised of pure energy, while bearing a striking resemblance to modern humans when attempting to remain undetected, where they are bipedal and assume a diverse range of ethnic cultures. Many Ellezians have personal preferences of what ethnicity they will stay with indefinitely, although they can change at will. They do not shed their skin to change back into their true form, unlike what the Antareans did in the Cocoon film. Clothing and other worn items are replicated when a change takes effect to alleviate the need to store these items and avoid situations of nakedness, which the Ellezians could care less about.
Communication can either be vocal, telepathic or through music, i.e., sounds, notes, etc. Ellezians have no preferred method and will generally communicate the same way as the race they are imitating. In their true form, Ellezians will communicate verbally with an echo effect to their tone, which could put someone on edge until they get accustomed to the sound.
In their pure energy form, an Ellezian can be as small or large as it prefers. If they are observing other races, they could blend in as small pin pricks of light or small to medium sized orbs. Given they are pure energy, they do not breathe and can travel short distances in space without the aid of a spacecraft. For longer distances they will utilize their own space fleet.
Like their other ancient counterparts, Ellezians can live many thousands of years given their molecular structure. The longest period noted in their history was roughly 8,000 years.
Ellezians are genderless; they are balls of energy after all. The only catch in their evolutionary continuance is they must procreate with another sentient race other than themselves. When the sentient being in question reaches maturity with respect to their species, the physical body dies to make the transition to its true energy form. The immediate family members view it as their loved one passing away at a young age. This helps in keeping the Ellezians hidden from the other races, as it will usually not arise suspicion. Although Ellezians can take on male or female appearances, it does not mean they are inherently male or female. This applies even if in their prior life, they were a female human. The essence of the prior individual does carry on within them, only in a more enlightened capacity.
The Ellezians have a unique societal structure, which does not fit in to a standard definition the other races would understand. Their connection to one another is purely spiritual due to their molecular composition, nor are there families as what is normally seen in other races. They do have a sense of community and, when one fades, they feel a sense of loss and completion at the same time.
Ellezians have a rather simple and non-convoluted form of government. They are governed by the Ma’Shir circle, which comprises five of the eldest among them. They are non-violent in nature and tend to be mischievous. If their playfulness goes too far and it requires the involvement of the Ma’Shir circle to clean up the issue, especially when it involves other non-ancient races, the Ellezian in question could face banishment. Banishment usually entails them being forced to assume a solid form of a race of their choice, without the ability to ever change back to their pure energy state, which is a fate worse than death.
The landscape of the Ellezian home world ties greatly into their evolutionary stages. Molsa is a very large planetary body, roughly twice the size of Earth, whose distance from its sun measures roughly how far Mars is from our sun. As a result, the sun’s effects would be like Earth’s. Unlike Earth, Molsa’s landscape is marred with deep caverns on most of its notable landmasses. The poles and oceans are not nearly as large and have remained untouched by any harmful effects, such as global warming. This is largely due to the Ellezians relatively small footprint on the planet’s surface.
Due to their physical state, the Ellezians have little use for standard structures such as living quarters or those associated with seats of government. They live in small clusters known to them as Whorans, which are scattered throughout the planet. Most Whorans hover within the many deep caverns scattered around the planet. Ellezians do not get wet or cold, however, they will cluster together underneath large, leafed trees or in said deep caverns during periods of inclement weather.
Ellezians do have an extensive space fleet but rarely use it due to their laissez faire approach to interacting with all races. The fleet remains dormant and scattered in various underground caverns, virtually undetectable by the technology of other races. The ships are powered by the very energy of the Ellezians themselves. Ellezians will only take solid form when communicating with ships from other races via view screens. Their ships range from large freighters to extremely agile fighter drones designed for infiltration. The sheer number of Ellezians aboard their ships makes it almost impossible for them to run out of power. Ellezians do need periods of time to recharge but those periods are typically small, less than 24-hours.
Feel free to post your questions or comments. I will respond, if need be, when I able.
Cocoon Wiki: