Welcome to the Site

I would like to welcome you to my website, gregorydcurrent.com, author of the Sy’Arrian Legacy Series, which begins with book one, The Cradle of Destiny. I created this site in 2017 and like to call this little chunk of space carved out of my own thoughts and aspirations as, Aspects of Awen. After reading a few of my posts, I hope the meaning behind my previous statement becomes clearer.

The initial concept of this site was based solely on my science fiction book series called The Sy’Arrian Legacy.  The intent was to use it as a vehicle to transport what has inspired me to create the story to fellow writers and potential readers. Well, just like how characters can throw a kink in your creative writing plans the minute they open their mouths, I quickly realized I had so much more to write about.

We all have a variety of layers albeit a small number of them manifest more prominently - the others seemingly content to sit on the sidelines. My intent is to discuss the universe I shaped, the creative process and its necessary mechanisms; however, I may stray occasionally to address topics serving to influence and alter a writer’s perspective. These may be controversial, oddly appealing, exceedingly deep or mundane.

Although I will attempt to keep occasional diatribes to a minimum, I will be tackling issues and trends I see, which do a disservice across the entire spectrum of content creation. When I use the phrase content creation, I am referring to all forms; music, writing, books, photography, painting, YouTube channels, computer gaming, etc. All these and more, serve to inspire us in a myriad of ways. Many of them double as platforms to partake in issues, influencing the evolution of what inspires us to create.

The idea is to generate thoughtful and respectful discourse. It has been my belief for some time now we have lost the ability to have constructive and meaningful discussion about topics important to us. Just sit back and watch how our elected officials or special interest news reporters discuss their viewpoints with someone on the opposing side. The level of hostility, overt rudeness, and lack of compassion is astounding. Whatever happened to the days where you could have practical debates and completely disagree with one another, but in the end still shake hands and walk away in true friendship?

Let’s hope this site can help us find the answers to the many questions testing the limits of our creativity together.


In the Beginning